After months of thinking of putting this thing together, here it finally is: The Kiwi Tapes Anthology! Now before you start asking "Where's Tally Ho?" and "Why did you leave out (blank)?" allow me to explain my intentions with this compilation. My goal with this compilation was to create something that would showcase all of the various facets of Kiwi Rock while remaining as concise as possible. This is for the newcomer, someone who has heard very little or no kiwi rock at all. I picked songs that I felt were most representative of the artists and the various New Zealand scenes that they were from. This is why you find "Getting Older" and no "Tally Ho!", I felt that the former song was much more representative of the sound of The Clean than the latter. So if you are looking to convert someone into the magic of kiwi rock, and you want to show them everything (not just the poppy, jangly stuff) then do it with this disc! I've already tried it on a few people and believe me it works! Thanks to all of the contributors to this site who made this disc possible and lended their expertise. Enjoy!
Links & Track listing in comments!