This blog will be closing for good (this time for real) on April 1st, 2008 to focus my attention on a new blog that will be opening some time later in the Spring.
Please send all contributions to kiwitapes (at) All New Zealand-related contributions are welcome, if it's not on this site we want it.
Please note the following the closing of the site, the download links will not be taken down. All the closing means is no new updates.
About the music
The purpose of this blog is to expose you to great music that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to get your hands on. That said, if you dig any of this music, please buy as much as you can from those artists and support them.
By downloading these albums, you agree to have them for review purposes only. You must either purchase the work of music or delete it from your computer in 48 hours.
If you are an artist or a label and you wish to have any of your music removed, please contact me at and your music will be removed immediately.
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